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PCH Health Helps Top US Provider Collect $4.3B in Net Revenue


Registered Users


Lives Supported


Billed Claim Value Processed (Annually)


Top US healthcare payers


Registered RCM Companies


Plans Served

15.7 M

Charts Coded (Annually)


Under Payment Identified


Medical Lockboxes

circle rotation
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Sushil Ghorpade


PCH Health collaborated with a leading US academic patient financial service provider, addressing documentation loss, manual errors, and high overhead costs. By implementing a blended delivery model, PCH streamlined processes, unified information access, and seamlessly integrated with existing systems. The outcome included significant reductions in Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs), enhanced revenue servicing, improved collector efficiency, and seamless integration with legacy systems, ultimately boosting recovery rates.


  • Frequent documentation loss
  • Recurring manual errors
  • Heavy real estate and record management overhead
  • Ineffective insights from disparate data sources
  • Difficulty in optimizing human resource costs
  • Substantial compliance hurdles with HIPAA regulations
  • Multiple sources and formats of physical and digital information
  • Need for enhanced insights from disparate data sources

PCH Health Solutions

PCH Health designed and deployed a blended delivery model solution with seamless on-site and off-site operations.

  • Offered a unified portal for queries, empowering clients to access and download information while efficiently managing multi-channel and multi-format intakes.
  • Provided digitization that enabled the client to rapidly extract data from all incoming documents.
  • Flawlessly integrated with their existing EHR system, facilitating a direct payer-provider connection.
  • Provided access to advanced analytics, reducing their DSO and significantly improving their recovery rates.

Results & Benefits

  • 25% Reduction in Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)
  • $4.3 billion Net Patient Revenue serviced through PCH
  • 30% Increase in Collector Efficiency
  • Seamless Integration with Legacy EHR system

Your success story could be next.

Reach out to an expert today to explore how we can help your business reach new heights.