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Accounts Receivables (A/R) Management Services

Maximize your revenue and streamline operations for better financial results


Years of 




expert team

Convert your A/R into revenue opportunities

At PCH Health, we empathize with healthcare providers grappling with overdue payments and outstanding claims. Our tailored AR management services tackle these hurdles head-on by ironing out discrepancies, maximizing collections, and navigating claim denials.

We minimize losses, streamline closures, and boost overall collections, transforming your AR into lucrative revenue opportunities.

circle rotation
Compliance with healthcare regulations

Compliance with healthcare regulations

Stay ahead of regulatory changes and uphold strict confidentiality in line with HIPAA and other regulations governing healthcare practices.

circle rotation
Security of your data

Security of your data

Utilize state-of-the-art data storage systems and advanced encryption technologies to prevent data breaches and unauthorized access.

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Ensure confidentiality

Ensure confidentiality

Protect patient-sensitive financial information with strict confidentiality agreements across all accounts receivable management services.

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Demonstrate ethical standards

Demonstrate ethical standards

Adhere to the highest ethical standards in every facet of our RCM processes, delivering services with unwavering integrity and diligence.

Streamline operations and accelerate payments with A/R management

PCH Health's seasoned A/R specialists assist healthcare providers proactively reduce future denials and maximize reimbursement eligibility. We conduct thorough root cause analysis to craft effective strategies for optimizing payer contracts and preventing rejections.

Our team reduces A/R backlogs by implementing industry best practices and streamlining processes. At PCH Health, we prioritize claims based on service date, payer mix, and dollar value to ensure swift handling. We strictly adhere to HFMA and MGMA benchmarks to accurately measure reimbursements from pending AR.

Our comprehensive accounts receivable services include:

  • Recovery services for old AR
  • Identification of claims in AR needing follow-up
  • Communication follow-ups with payers
  • In-depth analysis and reporting

Ready to revolutionize your accounts receivable management?

Streamline operations and accelerate payments with A/R management

Discover the advantages of outsourcing A/R management services to PCH Health:

By partnering with us, you can optimize receivables and clear AR backlogs


A/R days


Reduction in A/R follow-up cost


Increase in net collections


Reduction in denials

Enhance your cash flow and streamline your A/R workflows with PCH Health:

Enhance your cash flow and streamline your A/R workflows with PCH Health:

  • Achieve efficient revenue cycle management
  • Optimize revenue recovery processes
  • Reduce bad debt occurrences
  • Ensure accurate claim handling
  • Maintain transparency and precision in financial reporting

Awards and Certifications

Major Player
PEAK Matrix Medical
Peak Matrix Healthcare

Top specialties managed by PCH Health include but are not limited to:

Ambulatory Surgical Center
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Primary Care
Primary Care
Urgent Care
Urgent Care

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