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Simple and Transparent Pricing


Registered Users


Lives Supported


Billed Claim Value Processed (Annually)


Top US healthcare payers


Registered RCM Companies


Plans Served

15.7 M

Charts Coded (Annually)


Under Payment Identified


Medical Lockboxes

Pricing Plans

Free Trial


  • Claims and Attachments 100 Documents for all Payers
  • User/Role ManagementUpto 10
  • Days in Cloud Storage30 Days
  • Reports & Analytics


  • Claims and Attachments 200 Documents for all Payers
  • ERA Files & Payer Enrollment25 ERA (Per Claim) including Payer Enrollment
  • Claim Status25 Real Time Claim Status Requests for all Payers
  • Eligibility Check 25 Real Time Eligibility & Benefit Inquiry for all Payers
  • Authorization & Referral Review
  • Claims Resubmission (For Exclusive Payers)
  • User/Role ManagementUpto 15
  • Days in Cloud Storage90 Days
  • Reports & Analytics
  • Print & Mail - Pay Per Use Attachments, Statements etc.


  • Claims and Attachments 500 Documents for all Payers
  • ERA Files & Payer Enrollment60 ERA (Per Claim) including Payer Enrollment
  • Claim Status60 Real Time Claim Status Requests for all Payers
  • Eligibility Check60 Real Time Eligibility & Benefit Inquiry for all Payers
  • Authorization & Referral Review
  • Claims Resubmission (For Exclusive Payers)
  • User/Role ManagementUnlimited
  • Days in Cloud Storage90 Days
  • Reports & Analytics
  • Print & Mail - Pay Per Use Attachments, Statements etc.


  • Claims and Attachments 1,000 Documents for all Payers
  • ERA Files & Payer Enrollment125 ERA (Per Claim) including Payer Enrollment
  • Claim Status125 Real Time Claim Status Requests for all Payers
  • Eligibility Check125 Real Time Eligibility & Benefit Inquiry for all Payers
  • Authorization & Referral Review
  • Claims Resubmission (For Exclusive Payers)
  • User/Role ManagementUnlimited
  • Days in Cloud Storage120 Days
  • Reports & Analytics
  • Print & Mail - Pay Per Use Attachments, Statements etc.
Advance +


Enterprise Services are Customized for Large Volume (over 1,000 Documents per Month) Transactions.

Supports Claims Edits and Correction Functionality.

See full feature matrix

Submission Transactions (Appeal, Claims & Correspondence)
100 Documents for Exclusive Payers
100 Documents for Exclusive Payers &100 images for Other Payers
250 Documents for Exclusive Payers & 250 images for Other Payers
500 Documents for Exclusive Payers & 500 images for Other Payers
Advance + -
User/Role Management
Upto 10
Days in Cloud Storage
30 Days
90 Days
90 Days
120 Days
Unlimited Days
Security & Compliance
Free Trial -
Basic -
Premium -
Advance -
Advance + -
Multiple File Types (JPG, PDF, TIFF, PNG)
Free Trial -
Basic -
Premium -
Advance -
Advance + -
Report & Analytics
Free Trial -
Basic -
Premium -
Advance -
Advance + -
Patient Statements
Free Trial -
Printing, Postage, Shipping & Surcharges
Free Trial -
Yes * Cost
Yes * Cost
Yes * Cost
Yes * Cost
Add Payer
Free Trial -
Basic -
Premium -
Advance -
Advance + -
Claims Resubmission (Exclusive payer only)
Free Trial -
Basic -
Premium -
Advance -
Advance + -
Claim Editing
Free Trial -
Basic -
Premium -
Advance -
Advance + -

Additional Solutions

  • Claim Edit Resolution
  • Coding, Auditing & Consulting Services
  • Denial Management
  • Remittance Processing (XBP)
  • Medical Record Submission
  • Medical Lock Box
  • Revenue Integrity Services and Appeals Management
  • Patient Billing & Payments (XBP)
  • Patient or Insurance Collection Services

Estimated Plan Savings Calculator


Non-Expiring Transaction Available as Bundles

Rate Per BundleQty Per BundleService Type
$50.00250 DocumentsClaims & Attachments
$50.00400 ERA'sERA & Payer Enrollment
$50.00300 RequestsReal Time Claim Status
$50.00300 RequestsReal Time Eligibility & Benefit Inquiry
$50.00350 RequestsAuthorization & Referral