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Harness The Power Of Technology To Enhance Revenue Integrity

Achieve operational excellence and identify variances precisely with PCH Health


Years of 




expert team

Identify and collect unrecognized revenue

PCH Health’s tech-powered solutions optimize the entire reimbursement and revenue lifecycle.

Our experts aid healthcare providers in ensuring compliance while implementing revenue-enhancing strategies in the following key areas:

circle rotation
Charge Optimization

Charge Optimization

Detect opportunities to enhance billing consistency and compliance

circle rotation
HIM Code Review

HIM Code Review

Analyze claims to check proper use of HCPCS & CPT codes, and DRGs

circle rotation
Charge Capture

Charge Capture

Detect and rectify missing charges also review net revenue potential

circle rotation
Transfer DRG Review

Transfer DRG Review

Review transfer-eligible accounts to identify missing reimbursements and manage rebilling

circle rotation
Contract Management

Contract Management

Oversee government and managed care payers

circle rotation
Payment Variance Analysis

Payment Variance Analysis

Identify revenue leakage or denials and manage the appeal process to ensure correct payments

What makes PCH Health the top choice?

At PCH Health, we achieve maximum reimbursement rate for healthcare providers. By leveraging advanced AI and analytics, coupled with specialized expertise, we consistently deliver superior results.

Our revenue integrity professionals exceed revenue targets for healthcare providers through compliant and robust solutions.

Ready to enhance your financial performance?

What makes PCH Health the top choice?

Get the reimbursements you deserve

PCH Health has recovered billions for healthcare providers.

We believe in revenue maximization and fostering growth for our clients.


Recovery success 


Average increase in 
net revenue




Recovery rate for 
identified underpayments

What sets PCH Health apart from other revenue integrity service providers?

What sets PCH Health apart from other revenue integrity service providers?

  • Noticeable rise in net revenue
  • Effective management of rebills and corrections
  • Accurate utilization of HCPCS codes, CPT codes, and DRGs
  • Harmonize pricing strategies with strategic objectives
  • Enhanced cash flow to maximize reimbursements

Awards and Certifications

Major Player
PEAK Matrix Medical
Peak Matrix Healthcare

Top specialties managed by PCH Health include but are not limited to:

Ambulatory Surgical Center
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Primary Care
Primary Care
Urgent Care
Urgent Care

Contact Us

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