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Top-tier Payment Posting Services

Get rid of long payment cycles, manual processing, and frauds with PCH Health


Years of 




expert team

Optimized medical billing with PCH Health's payment posting solutions

PCH Health processes multiple remittances with improved responsiveness and a high degree of accuracy, following processes defined by healthcare providers. Our team conducts a reimbursement trend analysis and generates analytical reports to keep you informed.

With our payment posting experts at the helm, rest assured that all information is entered swiftly and accurately. We ensure payments are posted to the correct patient accounts and promptly address any denials. PCH Health provides the following services:

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Patient payments

Patient payments

We process patient payments received at the point of service, covering co-pays, deductibles, or non-covered services. We then reconcile them with each patient's account.

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Electronic remittance advisory

Electronic remittance advisory

Our team manages large volumes of ERAs from payers, processing them in batches and rectifying exceptions. We also verify batch totals in the client's practice management system.

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Manual posting

Manual posting

We process scanned copies of EOBs via secure FTP or the EHR system, adhering to providers' business rules. We also manage adjustments, write-offs, and balance transfers to secondary insurance or patients.

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Denial posting

Denial posting

We accurately post claim denials, understanding both payer-specific and ANSI standard denial codes. Each denial is recorded in the practice management system, enabling us to take appropriate actions to resolve it.

Why outsource payment posting services to PCH Health?

PCH Health offers EOBs (Explanation of Benefits) analysis to healthcare providers. We meticulously track cash inflow and assign tasks based on thorough EOB analysis. With our extensive experience in the medical coding and billing domain, coupled with our payment posting expertise, we help healthcare providers achieve exceptional results.

Outsourcing your payment posting services to PCH Health enhances your current processes, accelerates denial resolution time, and addresses repetitive issues effectively. We analyze your current revenue cycle, ensuring accurate claims submission to secondary payers and minimizing denials.

Ensure your denials and adjustments are accurately posted with PCH Health.

Why outsource payment posting services to PCH Health?

Results you can expect with PCH Health 

Cost-effective payment posting for prompt revenue collection.


Contractual accuracy


Turnaround time


Cost savings


Days in A/R

Why choose PCH Health?

Why choose PCH Health?

Top reasons to partner with PCH Health for your payment posting services

  • Precise claim posting for improved billing efficiency.
  • Proactive denial management to lower denial rates.
  • Expertise in client requirements for accuracy.
  • Swift EOB analysis for patient balance understanding.
  • EOB utilization to determine patient responsibilities.

Awards and Certifications

Major Player
PEAK Matrix Medical
Peak Matrix Healthcare

Top specialties managed by PCH Health include but are not limited to:

Ambulatory Surgical Center
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Primary Care
Primary Care
Urgent Care
Urgent Care

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