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Pre-Approval Services to Prevent Last-Minute Issues

Tackle shifting payer regulations, tedious tasks, and administrative hassles with PCH Health's pre-authorization solutions


Years of 




expert team

Streamlined prior authorization solutions to prevent costly claim denials

PCH Health makes it easy to avoid high-dollar claim denials. We proactively manage all required documentation and secure prior authorizations with a minimum two-day buffer, ensuring seamless workflows for healthcare providers.

Our seasoned professionals work closely with private and government payers, including Humana, Cigna, Medicaid, and Medicare Advantage Plans. Adhering to stringent practice guidelines, we aid healthcare providers in cutting operational expenses by up to 80%. Our comprehensive prior authorization services encompass:

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Comprehensive policy review

Comprehensive policy review

Perform in-depth evaluations of payer policies to ensure precise coverage assessments.

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Authorization assessment

Authorization assessment

Quickly identify prior authorization needs for every patient, avoiding care delays.

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Timely submission & follow-up

Timely submission & follow-up

Generate accurate documents, submit them promptly, and meticulously track requests.

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Prompt notification

Prompt notification

Immediately flag any ambiguities or issues with authorizations.

Simplify your prior authorization process with PCH Health

PCH Health simplifies your reimbursement procedures, cuts down on paperwork, and boosts provider productivity. Our solutions guarantee HIPAA compliance and impressive approval rates.

We expedite pre-authorizations for all procedures through advanced analytics and automation, slashing denials and improving cash flow. By reducing treatment wait times, we enhance patient satisfaction while safeguarding your bottom line.

Take charge of your revenue today – connect with PCH Health now.

Simplify your prior authorization process with PCH Health
Why choose PCH Health for prior authorization services?

Why choose PCH Health for prior authorization services?

  • Complete data security and privacy
  • Reduced write-offs and denial rates
  • Expedited documentation and approval processes
  • Minimized human effort
  • Seamless integration into existing workflows

Awards and Certifications

Major Player
PEAK Matrix Medical
Peak Matrix Healthcare

Top specialties managed by PCH Health include but are not limited to:

Ambulatory Surgical Center
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Primary Care
Primary Care
Urgent Care
Urgent Care

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