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Comprehensive Eligibility and Benefits Verification Services

Reduce claim denials and billing errors, optimize collections, and ace patient experience


Years of 




expert team

Maximize reimbursements with insurance eligibility and benefits verification solutions

PCH Health ensures healthcare providers receive timely and accurate insurance coverage processing. Our dedicated team works diligently to minimize providers' aging days and maximize revenue.

With over thirty years of experience in the Electronic Health Record (EHR) market, PCH Health has established strong payer relationships and tailored our eligibility services to meet the changing needs of our valued clients perfectly.

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Patient schedule integration

Patient schedule integration

Efficiently plan verification processes upon receiving patient schedules from healthcare providers.

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Accurate demographic information entry

Accurate demographic information entry

Ensure precise entry of patient demographics to verify eligibility and benefits.

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Thorough coverage & benefits analysis

Thorough coverage & benefits analysis

Determine service coverage while managing third-party and dual eligibility, and out-of-state verifications.

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System updates with payer details

System updates with payer details

Update revenue cycle systems with accurate payer details post-verification.

Why choose PCH Health for eligibility and benefits verification needs?

PCH Health empowers your staff to prioritize patient care by streamlining operations and eliminating claim errors. Our experts seamlessly address your eligibility and benefits verification needs, improving the patient experience. 

We excel at handling inconsistent data and navigating the complexities of insurance systems. From verifying copays and deductibles to assessing insurance policies and coverage limitations, our team ensures accuracy at every step. 

Partners of PCH Health have experienced reduced call volumes, staffing challenges, and inaccuracies, resulting in enhanced patient satisfaction and fewer payment delays. Want to learn more?

Why choose PCH Health for eligibility and benefits verification needs?

Achieve proven, measurable results

Reduce denials and improve financial performance with PCH Health:


Increase in net collection


Boost in productivity


Decrease in AR


Reduction in cost

Benefits of our eligibility and benefits verification services

Benefits of our eligibility and benefits verification services

  • Collect actual payments from patients during visits
  • Understand services covered by patient plans
  • Enhance patient satisfaction and physician utilization
  • Decrease staff workload, delays, and errors

Awards and Certifications

Major Player
PEAK Matrix Medical
Peak Matrix Healthcare

Top specialties managed by PCH Health include but are not limited to:

Ambulatory Surgical Center
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Primary Care
Primary Care
Urgent Care
Urgent Care

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