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Bring Intelligent Medical Billing to Your Practice

Get Expert Solutions for Cost Savings, Revenue Boosts, Better Patient Experiences, and HIPAA Compliance


Years of 




expert team

Optimize your Revenue Cycle with Our Tech-powered Medical Billing Solutions

Harnessing over thirty years of industry proficiency, PCH Health experts have profound insights into coding systems, insurance requirements, and medical billing protocols.

Stay at the forefront with our up-to-date practices and trends, ensuring optimal efficiency and accuracy for your organization. Experience expedited reimbursements while maintaining full compliance with regulatory standards.

circle rotation
Boosted Revenue Collection

Boosted Revenue Collection

Safeguard and optimize your organization's financial well-being with precision.

circle rotation
Streamlined Focus

Streamlined Focus

Elevate patient flow, elevate care quality, and amplify patient satisfaction.

circle rotation
Compliance Confidence

Compliance Confidence

Stay ahead with comprehensive knowledge of HIPAA regulations, ensuring full compliance.

circle rotation
Unmatched Efficiency

Unmatched Efficiency

Harness the power of AI, automation, and our specialized expertise to drive revenue growth.

Why PCH Health?

PCH Health is a leading RCM service provider delivering cost-effective medical billing solutions. We pinpoint and execute enhancements across every stage of the medical billing cycle, bolstering cash flow effectively. 

With our seasoned expertise in outpatient and inpatient billing, we alleviate providers' billing burdens, minimizing outstanding bills and debt while optimizing reimbursements.

Ready to simplify your medical billing journey?

Why PCH Health

Our delivery capabilities and performance benchmarks

PCH Health’s medical billing services increase accuracy, reduce TAT, and improve net revenue for healthcare providers.


Charge captured & billed


Medical billing accuracy


Turnaround time


Average increase in net revenue

Why Trust PCH Health’s Medical Billing Services?

Why Trust PCH Health’s Medical Billing Services?

Unpaid bills can be a major headache for your practice. PCH Health eliminates the burden of hiring and managing in-house medical billing staff, ensuring you stay current with technological advancements and accelerate reimbursement collection.

  • Access to skilled and qualified staff
  • Performance-driven and results-oriented approach
  • Customer-first approach

Awards and Certifications

Major Player
PEAK Matrix Medical
Peak Matrix Healthcare

Top specialties managed by PCH Health 
include, but are not limited to:

Ambulatory Surgical Center
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Primary Care
Primary Care
Urgent Care
Urgent Care

Contact Us

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