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Secure, Efficient, & Accurate Medical Coding Services

Improve quality, control operating costs, and minimize denials with tech-enabled medical coding solutions.


years of 




certified coders

Quality and compliance-driven medical coding solutions

PCH Health is a leader in medical coding services. Our team adheres to coding guidelines from ICD 10, CPT, CMS, HCC, ASC, and APC.

We abstract valid modifiers, CPT codes, ICD codes, HCPCS codes, DRG codes, and ICD codes to facilitate efficient reimbursement.

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Professional Fee Coding

Professional Fee Coding

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Facility Coding

Facility Coding (Inpatient & Outpatient)

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Risk Adjustment Coding

Risk Adjustment Coding

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Coding Denials Edits & Appeals

Coding Denials Edits & Appeals

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CDI (Clinical Documentation Improvement)

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Coding Audits As A Service

Coding Audits As A Service

Why choose PCH Health?

PCH Health is a HIPPA-compliant organization that offers tech-enabled medical coding solutions for all healthcare providers. We have 1200+ credentialed coders spread across India, the Philippines, and the US. Here is what we do:

  • Identify compliance changes
  • Modify clinical documents
  • Leverage AI, CAC, rule-based engines, & NLP
  • Conduct medical coding audits
  • Follow all CCI edits & LMRP standards
  • Understand usage of appropriate PoS & Modifiers

Partner with a premier medical coding company to achieve the highest FPAR.

Why choose PCH Health?

Reduce claim denials and increase the clean claim ratio

PCH Health adheres to best practices encompassing quality assurance, transparent reporting and analytics,

compliance, monitoring of regulatory changes, and more.


Reduction in 
overhead cost


Overall Coding 


Charts coded 


Charts audited 

An efficient approach to reduce denials and coding errors

An efficient approach to reduce denials and coding errors

PCH Health’s medical coding audit services empower clients to enhance accuracy, maintain compliance, optimize reimbursement, and strengthen CDI (Clinical Documentation Improvement). As one of the premier partners, we leverage advanced analytics to offer the following:

  • KPI monitoring & trend analysis
  • Proficiency in all-payer, state, & specialty rules
  • Up coding & down-coding analysis
  • Under Payments Detection

Partner with PCH Health for comprehensive medical coding solutions and audit services.

Awards and Certifications

Major Player
PEAK Matrix Medical
Peak Matrix Healthcare

Multi-speciality coding managed by PCH 
Health includes but is not limited to:

IP DRG Coding
IP DRG Coding
ASC coding
ASC coding
HCC coding
HCC coding
Facility coding
Facility coding
Outpatient coding
Outpatient coding
Professional fee coding
Professional fee coding

Contact Us

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