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30+ years of commitment,
driving excellence, and building trust
in the American healthcare system


Registered Users


Lives Supported


Billed Claim Value Processed (Annually)


Top US healthcare payers


Registered RCM Companies


Plans Served

15.7 M

Charts Coded (Annually)


Under Payment Identified


Medical Lockboxes

What is PCH Global?

PCH Global is committed to optimizing every aspect of the healthcare journey.

We are at the forefront of transforming healthcare outcomes by streamlining operations, leveraging advanced analytics, and prioritizing patient engagement.

Experience a seamless solution for appeals and paper claims management.

Claim Payment / Provider DisputeMedical Record RequestsClaim SubmissionClaim Payment IntegrityAppeal or Reconsideration Member ReimbursementsAuthorization Requests/ReferralsProvider Information Change FormsCost Containment

Our numbers speak for us


Registered Provider Users


Complex Appeal, Claim
& Correspondence
Processed (Daily)


Claims Adjudicated


Plans Served


Lives Supported



A bird's eye view of PCH Global

Managed/Support Services
  • Data science & AI enabled product portfolio
  • BPA for healthcare & related services 
  • Provider education & CDI
  • Data Analytics & Insights & Dashboards
  • Clinical support services - Clinical data management & Abstraction 
  • Financial management & accounting including AP
  • Provider Credentialing
  • Risk adjustment & HCC Abstraction
RCM & Coding Services

Our experienced Medical Billing resources can process for low cost fee. Resources are experienced on all major billing platforms.

  • Eligibility & Benefits
  • Patient registration & scheduling
  • Medical Coding & audits
  • Medical Billing & claim submission
  • Denial management & AR follow up
  • AP & Credit Balance
Exela Product Portfolio

XBP-SMB facilitates interoperable integration with existing EHR/EPM platforms, allowing for the seamless exchange of digital data and enabling the consolidation of data and generation of reports from multiple datasets. 

PCH Health ensures the accuracy of claim processing, optimizing revenue by identifying opportunities for Underbilling and addressing underpayment issues.

Our state-of-the-art medical coding and auditing are conducted through our Lexicode coding platform.