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Denial Management Services

Access skilled staff support and automation solutions to accurately input patient information, eliminate coding errors, and expedite claims submission.


Years of 




expert team

Denial Management Solutions Uncovering Root Causes and Trends

PCH Health’s denial management system resolves clinical, hard, soft, and administrative denials, ensuring maximum reimbursements.

With proficiency in commercial, state, and federal payer policies, PCH Health’s denial management experts harness the best of automation and strategy to save our clients valuable time, money, and energy.

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Denial Trends Analysis

Denial Trends Analysis

Thoroughly investigate causes and understand patterns for targeted solutions.

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File appeals

File appeals

Take swift corrective actions and file appeals seamlessly.

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Sort & Classify Denials

Sort & Classify Denials

Categorize the denials and route them to a team of experts for remediation.

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Proactive Denial Prevention

Proactive Denial Prevention

Analyze patterns to prevent future errors, bolstering your revenue stream.

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Denial Assessment

Denial Assessment

Generate insightful reports to pinpoint top denial categories affecting revenue.

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Understand Procedures & Compliance

Understand Procedures & Compliance

Ensuring precise billing and documentation adherence by understanding the unique procedures of each payer,

Why PCH Health for your denial management needs?

PCH Health educates clinicians on denial management strategies and guides them to preventing rejections.

Our coding denial management services correct improper or invalid medical codes, provide appropriate documents, work on prior authorization denials, and rout genuine denial cases to patients.

Partner with PCH Health for comprehensive denial management solutions for your practice.

Why PCH Health for your denial management needs?

Results-driven denial management services

Cut down denial rates and operational losses with PCH Health. We identify, manage, monitor, and prevent denials.


Clean claims success rate

<30 days

A/R days reduced


Overall denials minimized


Coding denials reached

Minimize medical billing denials with PCH Health

Minimize medical billing denials with PCH Health

PCH Health’s denials and appeals management services can help you handle denials promptly.

  • Correctly enter patient and insurance details for accurate submissions.
  • Efficiently retrieve information from patient records.
  • Submit claims and bills effectively.
  • Ensure compliance with specific payer requirements to reduce regulatory risks.

Awards and Certifications

Major Player
PEAK Matrix Medical
Peak Matrix Healthcare

Top specialties managed by PCH Health include but are not limited to:

Ambulatory Surgical Center
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Primary Care
Primary Care
Urgent Care
Urgent Care

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