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Healthcare Provider Solutions

Prevent complexity in your revenue cycle by getting it right the first time


Registered Users


Lives Supported


Billed Claim Value Processed (Annually)


Top US healthcare payers


Registered RCM Companies


Plans Served

15.7 M

Charts Coded (Annually)


Under Payment Identified


Medical Lockboxes

Best RCM solutions for healthcare providers

More than 71K healthcare providers trust PCH Health for more than 30 years. We have leveraged advanced automation and analytics to develop solutions that can fulfill all the RCM needs of healthcare providers.

With deep experience in nuances of the healthcare system, PCH Health is an expert in modern revenue cycle management operations. We are your strategic growth partner for revenue cycle solutions.

circle rotation

Why choose PCH Health?

PCH Health is a leading HIPAA-compliant healthcare RCM services provider. We specialize in offering cost-effective, high-quality, and outcome-focused RCM solutions.

  • Extract & convert unstructured information into payer-recognized formats.
  • Safely send or receive sensitive medical and financial records.
  • Bring down claim rejection rates.
  • Fully traceable digital assets repository.

Streamline your cash flow with the best-in-class RCM solutions.

Why choose PCH Health?

PCH Health provides best RCM solutions to healthcare providers

  • AI data management functions
  • Bank-grade security
  • Better approvals
  • Centralized repository

Explore our diverse payer network

See PCH Health's complete attachment payer list here.

See PCH Health's EDI payer list, categorized by state.

Explore our diverse payer network

Top specialties managed by PCH Health 
include, but are not limited to:

Ambulatory Surgical Center
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Primary Care
Primary Care
Urgent Care
Urgent Care

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