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Error-free Patient Registration Services

Reduce claim denials, payment delays, and inaccuracies with PCH Health’s expert services


Years of 




expert team

Streamlined Patient Registration for Quick Reimbursements

At PCH Health, we know how crucial it is to get patient demographic entries right for smooth claim processing and reimbursement. Our careful method ensures quick payments from payers and clean claim submissions.

Our experienced RCM professionals excel at capturing precise patient information, whether it's through advanced scheduling systems or traditional paper methods. We ensure thorough patient eligibility and benefits verification, handle prior authorization seamlessly, and file claims without errors.

circle rotation
Input patient information

Input patient information

Enter patient details accurately and conduct thorough reviews before submission.

circle rotation
Medical documentation

Medical documentation

Gather comprehensive medical records to address allergies, medications, special assistance needs, and more.

circle rotation
Capture insurance information

Capture insurance information

Leverage automation to gather patient data and verify eligibility and benefits.

circle rotation
Contact payers

Contact payers

Thoroughly review payer information and submit clean claims for prompt reimbursements.

Why Choose PCH Health for Patient Registration Needs?

At PCH Health, our experts meticulously validate data on face sheets, swiftly correcting errors or missing information. With PCH Health, claim denials stemming from inaccurate patient registration or demographic entries are greatly minimized.

Our team undergoes rigorous training on the patient registration process to swiftly detect and resolve errors. We utilize cutting-edge technology and automation to ensure accurate patient data entry. Reach out to us to experience advanced patient registration solutions for your practice.

Why Choose PCH Health for Patient Registration Needs?

Results-driven Patient Demographics Entry Services

Cut down denial rates and A/R days with PCH Health. Boost productivity, accuracy, and cost savings.


Turnaround time


Reduction in revenue loss


Claim denials


Reimbursement rate

Benefits of PCH Health’s Patient Registration Services

Benefits of PCH Health’s Patient Registration Services

Our precise patient information entry minimizes rework and A/R days, ensuring timely reimbursements.

  • Reduced Operational Costs
  • Enhanced Productivity and Accuracy
  • Increased Clean Claim Submissions
  • Minimized A/R and Denials
  • Efficient Process Management


Awards and Certifications

Major Player
PEAK Matrix Medical
Peak Matrix Healthcare

Top specialties managed by PCH Health include but are not limited to:

Ambulatory Surgical Center
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Primary Care
Primary Care
Urgent Care
Urgent Care

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